Sunday, November 2, 2008

Essay 1 – [Me and social media – my relationship to social media technologies]

As my memory recalls, the social media technologies develop with the boom of Internet. During 90’s, friends usually talk through telecommunication networks and sellers always communicate with their consumers by mass media, such as printed newspaper and commercials. These kinds of communication are either covering limited rang of people or lack of interaction as well as feedbacks. Thus, when the first social media technological tool appeared after the invention of Internet, everyone just rushed to get it. For me, the first social media tool is ICQ,which is an instant messaging computer program and was first developed by the Israeli companyMirabilis.[1] It’s kind of like MSN in nowadays but at that time, the function of ICQ was quite simple and that’s chat with friends online. It’s also another way for me to practice written English because the version of ICQ at that time was only in English and most of users of it were English-speakers. Later, if I remembered right, the huge wave came from QQ, which was founded by a mainland China software company named Tencent. The first version of QQ started with the same function as ICQ but targeted to Chinese-speakers market and it add many innovative and creative new ideas into the programming. For example, users can change their appearing pictures in front of their names and there are many different kinds of emotions they can choose from when chatting with others to express themselves more visually. When I was in junior school, having a QQ number is a symbol of fashion among friends and it was a new way of meeting people. Till now, QQ is still the most popular free instant messaging computer program in Mainland China, and the world’s third most popular IM service.

After the emerged of these two important social media tools happened in my life, the relationship for me with social media technologies are getting tighter because more other kind of social media appeared in the short time and with more attractive usages. For instance, Blog and Forum. I think I have 10 Blogs at least from the first trend of it. From my point of view, Blog is more private and personal while forum is much public with more practical information but both of them cover more scale of people than ICQ or QQ.

To put all in a nut, I think I started to use these tools just for fun and continue using them because these social media technologies are becoming more fun and user-friendly through the additional applications along the development of the techniques.

1 comment:

Daniel said...

This is test just to make sure your settings are ok and that I can leave a comment on your blog. This was the only post on your blog this far so I had to leave it here!